
Lotus Divine
30 Views · 2 years ago

⁣“Fly Free Like A Bird. Aum Namaha Shivaya.”Says Guru Ka Das Walia

Lotus Divine
28 Views · 2 years ago

⁣“Where knowledge leads to ego, the birth of desire and expectation takes place and leads to the birth of destruction. Aum Namaha Shivaya.” Says Guru Ka Das Walia

Lotus Divine
28 Views · 2 years ago

“Spirituality ceases to exist when an organisation requires you to convert or take initiation to join a religious movement. To move forward on the path of spiritualism, in the kingdom of my Lord, all that matters is the intentions and karma. Aum Namaha Shivaya.” Says Guru Ka Das Walia

Lotus Divine
28 Views · 2 years ago

“I see what I want to see and manipulate truth the way I want to move forward materialistically in life and then question why the outcomes are the way they are. The reality is that I am living and burning my soul in the ego of my physical presence, and this is not the path of spirituality or dharma. Aum Namaha Shivaya.” Says Guru Ka Das Walia

Lotus Divine
27 Views · 2 years ago

⁣“In the hour of pain where all doors had closed, only then a door was opened of hope by thys Guru’s showing the divine path with the spiritual torch as a guiding force. Aum Namaha Shivaya.” says Guru Ka Das Walia

Lotus Divine
27 Views · 2 years ago

⁣“To become one with the One is to be one with yourself. Aum Namaha Shivaya.” says Guru Ka Das Walia

Lotus Divine
27 Views · 2 years ago

“In your darkest moments, your life is played in front of you where you will face nothing but the truth with nowhere to hide or anyone to blame but yourself for your actions. Aum Namaha Shivaya Says.” Guru Ka Das Walia

Lotus Divine
27 Views · 2 years ago

"Why wait till the end and repent. Make changes now, move forward, take a step and rejoice in his eternal bliss. Aum Namaha Shivaya." Says Guru Ka Das Walia

Lotus Divine
27 Views · 2 years ago

"There's always something in the past that makes you who you are today. Sometimes, it just changes you without letting you know. The wise one that lives and grounds himself in the moment is the one that sets the scene for the next moment. So let go and surrender to the moment to move forward. Aum Namaha Shivaya." Says Guru Ka Das Walia

Lotus Divine
26 Views · 2 years ago

⁣“The political players that play dirty politics in spiritual movements may think they have got their way; however, they only realise the mess and carnage they have sown for their loved ones and their soul when it is too late to undo such actions. Aum Namaha Shivaya.” says Guru Ka Das Walia

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Lotus Divine
26 Views · 2 years ago

⁣“Eliminate ignorance, Discover the spiritual truth, and attain your eternal Universal Self. Aum Namaha Shivaya.” says Guru Ka Das Walia

Lotus Divine
26 Views · 2 years ago

"Spirituality ceases to exist, where truth is covered, just like fire and water cannot coexist. So to move forward on the path to achieve the One, you need to develop consciousness to see the inner unbiased truth. Aum Namaha Shivaya.” Guru Ka Das Walia

Lotus Divine
26 Views · 2 years ago

⁣“It is painful to see and hear how complicated man has made his life and forgotten the purpose of their human life form, which was given to them to achieve salvation and become one with the One. Aum Namaha Shivaya.” says Guru Ka Das Walia

Lotus Divine
26 Views · 2 years ago

“Today everything matters, tomorrow nothing will matter, and all that matters is you and your journey today. Only the awakened One realises what matters. Aum Namaha Shivaya.” Says Guru Ka Das Walia

Lotus Divine
26 Views · 2 years ago

"Thy says you are in me, here, there and everywhere, watching, noting, each and every action, yet, thy continues to fall prey to the vices, only to realise that thy is not following and practising what has been taught to me by my gurus, and was only fulfilling the desires of the mind, and so, continues to go, round and round, in the rat race, achieving nothing other than eternal unhappiness. Aum Namaha Shivaya." Says Guru Ka Das Walia

Lotus Divine
26 Views · 2 years ago

"In the world, time is the most important element. Happiness and unhappiness are part of it, and only the One who is one with the One can enjoy the two states and still be One. Aum Namaha Shivaya." Says Guru Ka Das Walia

Lotus Divine
26 Views · 2 years ago

"One day is not the same alike, thy bounces up and down in the air, but with each bounce, a new way is mapped out of choices, the one that goes straight in is the one that gets hurt, however, the one that uses the power of Oneness, heart, mind, and soul will never falter. Aum Namaha Shivaya." Says Guru Ka Das Walia

Lotus Divine
25 Views · 2 years ago

⁣“Opinions, perceptions and views are a mountain of dust and ashes that act as a roadblock to the One. Aum Namaha Shivaya.” Says Guru Ka Das Walia

Lotus Divine
25 Views · 2 years ago

⁣"So many gurus and so many saints, all say they speak the truth only to contradict each other and preach the opposite of what has been stated in the holy scriptures, no wonder the world does not know what dharm and adharm mean anymore. Aum Namaha Shivaya.” Guru Ka Das Walia

Lotus Divine
25 Views · 2 years ago

“Thys’ Guru taught thy self-realisation through God realisation, which ultimately leads to God- realisation through self –realisation, where the two become One. Aum Namaha Shivaya.” Guru Ka Das Walia

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