
Lotus Divine
25 Views · 2 years ago

⁣“Remember, you are also a product of your own thoughts. Fill it with knowledge of the world and spiritual knowledge, and you will move forward, do not let people or things hold you down; however, do not be arrogant to the ones you love who are there to guide and support you. Aum Namaha Shivaya.” says Guru Ka Das Walia

Lotus Divine
25 Views · 2 years ago

“The day thy stopped living the multi-facet life is the day truth became the truth, and the journey to the One began. Aum Namaha Shivaya.” says Guru Ka Das Walia

Lotus Divine
25 Views · 2 years ago

"Please accept thy’s humble namaskar at your lotus feet. Thy has limited time and wanted to ask all for forgiveness for upsetting you, not full filling thy’s promises, for any hurtful words, actions, thoughts or if thy has offended you. Please forgive thy with all your heart, mind and soul and bless thy that thy never repeats such actions in any form. Aum Namaha Shivaya.” Says Guru Ka Das Walia

Lotus Divine
25 Views · 2 years ago

“Value and rejoice in the moment as that moment will not come back and adopt the teaching from the moment to take you forward to the next moment. Aum Namaha Shivaya.” Says Guru Ka Das Walia

Lotus Divine
25 Views · 2 years ago

"Today, thy looks around, listens and feels how the world is changing fast and how man is twisting sacred scriptures to their advantage. The journey of life is as simple as saints and sages started it at the time when the universe came into existence. Those testimonies still exist in this era. To realise the formless and enter His Kingdom, man needs to become one with himself, with his mind, body, and heart, where there is Oneness within him, and only then will the Kingdom of Oneness open. Aum Namaha Shivaya." Says Guru Ka Das Walia

Lotus Divine
24 Views · 2 years ago

“Know the light, Focus within, and Shine peacefully. Aum Namaha Shivaya.” says Guru Ka Das Walia

Lotus Divine
24 Views · 2 years ago

⁣“Everyone can speak and listen to the great talk, but only a few can walk on the talk. Aum Namaha Shivaya.” Saya Guru Ka Das Walia

Lotus Divine
24 Views · 2 years ago

“The significant problems that the global civilisation will face in the future will be down to the western world leaders not taking radical dramatic actions against groups that create disharmony in local, national and international communities. Aum Namaha Shivaya.” Says Guru Ka Das Walia

Lotus Divine
24 Views · 2 years ago

"In the ocean of materialism, all the attachments hold you back despite the illusion, where you assume you are moving forward. It is nothing but an illusion; however, the one who realises the One moves forward in the ocean of devotion and becomes one with the One where there is no scope for any illusion. Aum Namaha Shivaya." Says Guru Ka Das Walia

Lotus Divine
24 Views · 2 years ago

"When everything around me goes against me, then, thy turns to the One, where everything becomes nothing, and nothing becomes everything. Aum Namaha Shivaya." Says Guru Ka Das Walia

Lotus Divine
24 Views · 2 years ago

"Some read books and scriptures to gain knowledge; some sit in a congregation to gain knowledge, and some sit with learned saints to gain knowledge; however, without realising the One and surrendering heart, mind, and soul to the One, there is no point in gaining the knowledge, as it flows from the ear, and out of the other, making no difference to the seeker. Aum Namaha Shivaya." Says Guru Ka Das Walia

Lotus Divine
24 Views · 2 years ago

"Let go and surrender to the moment, and the moment will carry you to the next step towards your goal. Aum Namaha Shivaya." Says Guru Ka Das Walia

Lotus Divine
23 Views · 2 years ago

⁣“Know your soul’s purpose; Trust the One, and Discover the Quest of lifetimes. Aum Namaha Shivaya.” says Guru Ka Das Walia

Lotus Divine
23 Views · 2 years ago

⁣"Our soul is satisfied and happy in experiencing different colours of life; no money or time can achieve this height where the colours represent beautiful expressions of the One. Aum Namaha Shivaya." Says Guru Ka Das Walia

Lotus Divine
23 Views · 2 years ago

⁣“Conditional and unconditional are just two words, the One that can love the unloved, understands the two words and becomes One. I am in you, and you are in me, this I know, from the past that unfolds in the present, and makes me One with you, for every moment after the present. Om Namaha Shivaya.”
Says Guru Ka Das Walia

Lotus Divine
22 Views · 2 years ago

“Where people are used, abused, dumped when not required and where an attitude exists, out with the old and poor and in with the new and rich, spirituality ceases to exist at any level and is nothing more than a materialistic organisation. Aum Namaha Shivaya.” says Guru Ka Das Walia

Lotus Divine
22 Views · 2 years ago

“When realisation took place, all thys actions were realised only to see there was no greater sinner than thy. Aum Namaha Shivaya.” says Guru Ka Das Walia

Lotus Divine
22 Views · 2 years ago

⁣“It takes seconds to get intoxicated with external materials; however, it takes years and many lifetimes to relieve the soul of the suffering of intoxication created by unfulfilling desires of the mind. Aum Namaha Shivaya.” says Guru Ka Das Walia

Lotus Divine
22 Views · 2 years ago

⁣“Thy read spiritual books after books attended spiritual congregations and learnt nothing till such day that thy read thy self and the veil was lifted, and the journey to the One began within to the One. Aum Namaha Shivaya.” says Guru ka das Walia

Lotus Divine
22 Views · 2 years ago

⁣“In today's world, so many people are blowing smoke from all directions, leaving the recipient confused about what is smoke and what is just powder as the truth gets more and more cloaked. Aum Namaha Shivaya.” Says Guru Ka Das Walia

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