“Thy was born a Sikh, grew up in Nirankari mission and then at the lowest point of life where everything became nothing and meaningless Lord Shiva took me in his divine shelter. Aum Namaha Shivaya.” Guru Ka Das Walia
“Once the police provided me round the clock security, now the police beat and watch on me round the clock, just in moments situations reversed, and that is life. Keep moving forward on the righteous path, and don’t look back; the One will keep you in his shelter and protect you from all evils. Aum Namaha Shivaya.” Guru Ka Das Walia
“Remember, you are also a product of your own thoughts. Fill it with knowledge of the world and spiritual knowledge, and you will move forward, do not let people or things hold you down; however, do not be arrogant to the ones you love who are there to guide and support you. Aum Namaha Shivaya.” says Guru Ka Das Walia
"I assumed myself to be the learned One and a devoted follower of my Guru, only to realise that the attachment clouded my judgement to family and worldly things. As a result, I failed to see the truth and the right path, only to afflict pain upon others and myself, until the day when the Lord lifted the clouds to show I was a fool. Aum Namaha Shivaya.” says Guru Ka Das Walia
“Where there is a reaction to a desire and an emotion, stop and think, as the reaction cannot be undone once executed, leaving you in remorse that cannot be transformed. Aum Namaha Shivaya.” Guru Ka Das Walia
“The day thy stopped living the multi-facet life is the day truth became the truth, and the journey to the One began. Aum Namaha Shivaya.” says Guru Ka Das Walia
“In the end, everything is nothing, and nothing is everything. Therefore, our journey is to nothing to achieve Oneness. Aum Namaha Shivaya.” says Guru Ka Das Walia.
"Please accept thy’s humble namaskar at your lotus feet. Thy has limited time and wanted to ask all for forgiveness for upsetting you, not full filling thy’s promises, for any hurtful words, actions, thoughts or if thy has offended you. Please forgive thy with all your heart, mind and soul and bless thy that thy never repeats such actions in any form. Aum Namaha Shivaya.” Says Guru Ka Das Walia
“I see what I want to see and manipulate truth the way I want to move forward materialistically in life and then question why the outcomes are the way they are. The reality is that I am living and burning my soul in the ego of my physical presence, and this is not the path of spirituality or dharma. Aum Namaha Shivaya.” Says Guru Ka Das Walia
“Keep moving forward and remember the Lord in every step, breath, and thought. Aum Namaha Shivaya.” Says Guru Ka Das Walia
“Value and rejoice in the moment as that moment will not come back and adopt the teaching from the moment to take you forward to the next moment. Aum Namaha Shivaya.” Says Guru Ka Das Walia
“We all make mistakes in life; however, great are those who realise the mistakes and take steps to fix them before it is too late. Aum Namaha Shivaya.” Says Guru Ka Das Walia
“Don’t fear what you fear, but fear what you don’t have fear for. Aum Namaha Shivaya.” Says Guru Ka Das Walia
“You are part of the Lord, and the Lord is part of you, and that divine energy will always operate for the highest good for you when in the state of realisation of the One. Aum Namaha Shivaya.” Says Guru Ka Das Walia
“The journey of life is to live between the two states for eternal bliss, where there is no happiness and no unhappiness. Aum Namaha Shivaya.” Says Guru Ka Das Walia
“You are part of the Lord, and the Lord is part of you, and that divine energy will always operate for the highest good for you when in the state of realisation of the One. Aum Namaha Shivaya.” Says Guru Ka Das Walia
“The One on the path of self-realisation, who wants to achieve God-realisation, needs to balance their spiritual energies and create harmony. Such a person should become a spectator and serve others without expecting anything in return and know that the disillusioned ones will always mandate and make the most noise for worthless matters. Aum Namaha Shivaya.” Says Guru Ka Das Walia
“Thy came into this world without any qualifications or relationships, and thy will leave this world with no qualifications or relationships. Aum Namaha Shivaya.” Says Guru Ka Das Walia
“In the best times, everyone will be there for you, but no one except the One will be there for you in the worst times of your life. Aum Namaha Shivaya.” Says Guru Ka Das Walia
“The significant problems that the global civilisation will face in the future will be down to the western world leaders not taking radical dramatic actions against groups that create disharmony in local, national and international communities. Aum Namaha Shivaya.” Says Guru Ka Das Walia