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8 Views · 3 years ago

⁣Christmas e-cards offer a great solution for sending your holiday message to staff and clients during a slightly different form of the traditional season. It's often forgotten that most people still associate Christmas with the post and what better way to remind people of what the holidays are about through a greeting card then with a customised, eye catching electronic Christmas card. Look forward to receiving from you soon! Make sure you order your cards early enough to allow for them to be made and delivered in time for the Christmas madness to start in earnest.

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12 Views · 3 years ago

⁣If you're in charge of presenting information or data to business partners, clients, or prospective customers, then you know how important a B2B Presentation is. Making a professional presentation for a client or business partner requires careful planning, research, and preparation. However, the good news is that you don't need to be a professional video games designer to have a great business presentation. By following these seven tips, you'll help you make the best B2B Presentation possible.

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13 Views · 3 years ago

⁣Advertising portals have grown significantly in popularity since many advertising platform came out and many more companies started to offer their advertising programs through these portals. These portals offer a streamlined advertising program for businesses to take advantage of the most cutting edge technologies and business models. In some cases, these advertising portals will act as a bridge between the company and customers, serving as an intermediary between the company and the customer by allowing the company to place its ads on websites visited by the customer.