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Lotus Divine
16 Views · 3 years ago

Researchers find trust in God has a positive impact on patient suffering from chronic illness. Psychologists have been trying to understand the link between the conditions-where people agree with statements like God is there. Sometimes, patients are advised to seek spiritual counselling to relieve stress and worries.

In Bhagvat Gita Arjuna tells Krishna “You are the primal God, the transcendental and the original, the unborn and all-pervading.”

In Mahabharata, God incarnates as a human. He is providing him the guidance at the time when Arjuna is completely shattered, powerless and in a confuses state of mind. Text explains that God is attainable and we can recognize and accept Him by carious methods like a sacrifice, devotion and nishkarma karmas.

Arjuna wants God to tell him how to meditate and get assistance from the cosmic powers. He says “Tell me in detail, O lord, of your mighty potencies and glories.” In Bhagvat Gita -God is defined as the one which cannot be seen because He is unborn and eternal, in such conditions, how to see Him.

Krishna explains to Arjuna that the presence of God or the supreme can be felt everywhere. He says I am the generating seed of all existences.

Lord says “Look within and you can find me in yourself consciousness.” He says “I am the self, seated in the hearts of all creatures.”

He says “I am the source of all spiritual and material worlds. Everything emanates from Me.”
This means, to learn the basics of the universe and spiritually, we need to learn about Self and the connectivity of Self with the Supreme.

Lotus Divine
16 Views · 3 years ago

⁣Reiki is the best method to unblock your chakras

Most people are familiar with the seven chakras, but not many people know about the 114 wheels of Reiki energies. It is believed that the body heals naturally by connecting the nadis or blood vessels together using reiki energy. These points are powerful units that can enhance a person's quality of life.

People who are able to identify their purpose and can move beyond their weak spots to a higher self will become a better version of themselves. Peacefulness is the highest state of improvement. This is when one's mind is free from fears, obsessives, and limitations. The spirit needs rejuvenation, and the body needs a free flow of natural energies.

Solar plexus chakra

While solar plexus chakra gives one the feeling of empowerment, it can also make it difficult to grow if one is involved in relationships or partnerships that are not beneficial. Knowing when to say "No" to such obligations is crucial. When one is having an emotional problem in love or with a partner, it's possible to have unresolved issues within the heart chakra.

Spiritual healer

The method that reiki provides for self-healing can be used to help one become a spiritual healer. One can also learn how to live a more fulfilling life by learning the principles of reiki. This mechanism can be enhanced by the use of symbols, sound, creativity, or colors.

Lotus Divine
16 Views · 3 years ago

⁣Reiki can be experienced by anyone. You can only feel it, not tell anyone. When approaching Reiki, one must be open-minded and follow his or her intuition. You cannot expect Reiki to work if you are against it but also continue to pursue it. It is important that the client has a neutral attitude and allows things to happen as they do. When receiving Reiki, it is important to have a positive attitude. Clearing the body of toxins and adjusting the body to Reiki or universal energy is the first step. All energy blockages will be cleared and the body will experience the flow of creator energy or eternal energy.

The aura of the Master Level is highly charged, and clients experience more intense healing. It is possible to heal using energy because energy is everything. There is a way to feel the vibes and evolve to the higher realm. Reiki can bring about a complete transformation and evolve. Although there is an evolution in the physical world, it ends at the energy or abstract level. You can reach the highest level of supreme evolution (or Supreme Being) by practicing Reiki regularly in a disciplined and committed manner. To become Master of Reiki, there must be a consistent routine. A Master can heal, and the client has the ability to teach Reiki.

Lotus Divine
16 Views · 3 years ago

⁣All of us want to fulfill our hopes and dreams and have a better quality of life. You need to be happy, fulfilled, satisfied and better. These are the most common traits across all humankind, past or present.

The desire to fulfill your desires and the energy that comes with them can be a tremendous force in making things happen. While many people accomplish many things in pursuit of their dreams, they continue to desire more. People or cultures will often tell people that if we want to be happy, we should do this and that. To live the 'desired lifestyle', we are taught that we must have a good job and a place to live.

People have used harmful methods such as alcohol, drug, and sex to try to find happiness. What is the point of this happiness? It's not, it seems. This is because they want to be more and compete with others for a better status. It is a continual 'battle,' which leads us nowhere.

They are left feeling unsatisfied and dissatisfied because their goals do not lead to happiness and success. True happiness, however, is something that only a person can achieve. The search for 'everything,' while an internal phenomenon, is an illusion. This makes it seem that we are in a never-ending loop or circle where we keep getting more.

Lotus Divine
16 Views · 3 years ago

⁣Reiki is used to dispel negative energy

Your aura interacts with the auras around you when you are out. Some of them may have negative thoughts and emotions. Negativity in your aura will result. Reiki baths are a great way to get rid of these negative energies.

Negativity cannot only be experienced but not seen. You can invoke Reiki energy through your office and home whenever you feel negativity.

Reiki baths can be used to remove negativities such as fear and anxiety, worry, doubts, lack of confidence or courage, tension, fear, concern, worry, fear, and so forth.

These negative energies could be of any nature, including feelings of insecurity or emotional pain, anger and shame, shame, jealousy, frustration, and regret. There are some places you feel happy and others you feel miserable. This is directly related to the thoughts, ideas, and beliefs of the person living there.

It will clear out the stagnant and unproductive energy, old, sick, unused, or filthy. The air will be clean, clear, and fresh and you will feel positive and happy. It is possible to remove any negativity from a place by simply taking a deep, positive breath and filling the space with energy.

To forgive people you feel hurt by, you can free your mind of emotional baggage. You can clear your mind of any people or events you think about during meditation.

Meditation is the best method to let go of negative thoughts.

Lotus Divine
16 Views · 3 years ago

⁣Reiki can help with the healing and treatment of many conditions. Reiki removes negative energy from the body and replaces it with positive energy. This is true for emotional, psychological, and physical ailments that affect the body. Reiki energy is capable of healing even the most severe physical ailments, such as broken bones. Reiki can help heal a cracked ankle. It uses universal life force energy to heal. This omnipresent and unlimited positive energy is the foundation of all goodness in creation.

It is not all-encompassing and has a relaxing and soothing effect on the brain and body. The vibrations of this divine energy heal energy errors and create healing energy around the body. It can clear energy blockages and help to promote positive energy. Reiki is an intelligent being that can see the needs of the body and know exactly how to get it to heal them.

The energy patterns of the body are the same as their physical patterns. It is also believed the energy structure of your body is created in the fetus. This is before the physical, or skeletal, the structure is formed. Even to the extent that the energy pattern incites the formation and maintenance of the physical bodies. Any problem in this body can cause psychological, spiritual, and physical problems. Energy is the root of all problems. It is also the solution.

The crown chakra represents the energy center. This is the place where the energy enters the body. It also has a connection to the skeletal system of the human body. An imbalance in this chakra can cause diseases. The crown chakra is responsible for treating bone diseases. Because the bone is the root of all problems, it can cause an imbalance. The creator force energy can treat many bone-related conditions.

The positive flow of energy treats the root problem or cause at the energy level. Once this is completed, the physical problem will be automatically treated. This combination can be used together with modern therapies and techniques to offer composite relief. It is available to all. It does not matter whether one uses it by itself or as part of complementary treatment.

Energy healing should always be done promptly. When surgery is at its later stages, there is more pain. Reiki can be combined with modern surgery for better results. Modern hospitals have recognized this fact. It is being used more frequently by modern treatment providers in combination with pain medications or anti-infection medicines.

Lotus Divine
16 Views · 3 years ago

⁣Spiritual Healing

Reiki states that all energy within our bodies and around us comes from the universal energy source. Spiritual healing uses the universal energy force to clear blockages in the body's energy flow.

Promoting self-healing

An imbalance in the functioning of the function of the chakras can disrupt natural healing. The practitioner may feel the energy release in the form of heat or a tingling sensation. This mechanism can be used to determine the locations of chakra blockages or their healing. In the case of endocrine disorders, stress, anxiety, and depression, chakra imbalance can be directly linked to hormonal imbalance. This is when medicines fail to produce the desired results. These chakras are most commonly found at the major endocrine, and nerve bundle locations.

It is believed that the chakras allow the human spirit to communicate with the Universal Energy through the chakras.

Healing the Chakras

The materialistic aspect of the base chakras or root chakras is closely related to them. The second chakra is located just below the lower abdomen. It allows you to connect with people and overcome self-destructive habits. The third chakra is located on the upper abdomen. Those with an imbalance there will criticize themselves and others. The fourth one is around the heart. It can lead to high blood pressure. The throat is home to the firth. This imbalance can cause arrogance or poor communication.

The sixth chakra is found between the eyes. The seventh chakra is the crown chakra at the top. Lockage of this chakra can lead to chronic fatigue. The healthy flow of energy between the chakras is what makes us feel happy and healthy.

Lotus Divine
16 Views · 3 years ago

⁣Reiki is becoming more mainstream in healthcare. It is also gaining more popularity as it is recognized by modern professionals. Its importance is being recognized by healthcare professionals and can be proven by its increasing use at some of the most renowned hospitals in America. It's being used by professionals, who combine their knowledge of Reiki and academics. It's being seen as a supporting system for traditional medical care. There are also psychologists, neurosurgeons, as well as people from other areas of specialization such as Reiki counselors who have been certified as NCCs (Nationally Certified Counselors) and LPCs. They use this energy healing technique to their advantage. A number of professionals have been trained and certified as Reiki Masters by renowned and prestigious institutions such as the International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT).

It has also been seen that Reiki Reiki students come from academic backgrounds. It also means that Reiki lessons are becoming more popular among students with a psychotherapy background. This allows them to provide energy healing for patients with complex and severe conditions. It is becoming increasingly evident in the medical and medical fraternity that Reiki truly plays a key role in uplifting patients' medical conditions. Patients are demonstrating positive results and encouraging others to do so. Reiki is a positive energy channel that helps counselors to give positive energy and support patients. They have a greater sense of confidence that they will be cured. The ability to understand the patient's needs and to respond to them is something that counselors have improved upon. The experts can be more focused on the individual patient's issues. This helps them gain a better understanding of the patient's perspective.

On one hand, a better understanding of the patient allows them to be more effective in their treatment, and on the other is easier. This is how counselors and patients can have a greater understanding. It is possible for them to work together, on which is the best or most optimal condition for treatment. A better relationship between the patient and counselor is possible. The doctor can immediately recognize the problem and can begin the treatment earlier than traditional methods. You can get a better understanding and appreciation of the patient's body language. The therapist can read the body language and meanings of patients in conjunction with his Reiki skills. The counselor can uncover hidden messages from the patient.

This is why traditional and Reiki knowledge both play an important role in diagnosing the patient's problems. This allows you to save valuable time and can use the resources for better or alternate purposes. This helps the patient get better faster and allows him to return to work more quickly. Similar results are seen in serious patients who feel more confident, and powerful and can fight their illness or diseases with renewed strength.

Lotus Divine
16 Views · 3 years ago

⁣It's an amazing experience to learn and use Reiki symbols. They are versatile and allow you to do just about anything. But, everything depends on the performer's energy. The symbols aren't powerful on their own but can be extremely powerful when they are used by a skilled healer or master. Reiki symbols can be used to connect to eternal energy and the correct functioning of chakras. These symbols enable us to immediately become part of the divine guidance. This is the second degree Reiki attunement.

People are naturally curious about symbols and eager to understand their functions. The symbol concept is only made clear to us when we actually use them during Reiki training. They are fascinating and exciting to people, which is why they are often discussed in detail. It is well-known that symbols and the creator power of healers have a very strong connection. These are the mental and emotional symbols that have kept people in awe. They are very effective in expressing meanings and working efficiently depending on the user. They are identified by their specific lines, their shapes, or the figures. It works miracles for those who are really motivated and want it to work for them.

The most powerful of the symbols is the power symbol. Its Japanese name translates to "put the power and the universe here". Every line has its own meaning. The vertical symbolises the male energy. Another symbol of power and earthly energy is the spiral line. The seven lines that cross the vertical one seven times signify the seven chakras. This symbol can be used to create a secure space for you. A shield of protective energy surrounds your body that keeps you safe from any problems or stress. All types of energy surround people. You need to be able to shield yourself from negative energy and keep it away. One way to counter the verbal attack is to visualize the power symbol right in front of your face. This will protect you like an invisible barrier. The protective cover provides protection for the person who is using it. It blocks out negative energy and helps restore it.

Another way is to draw a symbol when you want to create a sacred space or an area for doing important work. This energy is also good for clearing energy blocks and restoring healthy energy. Its location is the crown chakra of our bodies. During meditation, it can also be placed on the forehead. You can use the power symbol for healing. It is also used as a seal to protect the energy until healing is complete.

Lotus Divine
16 Views · 5 months ago

⁣“You can only serve someone else selflessly if you serve yourself first selflessly; only then will you be in a mindful position to serve unconditionally. Aum Namaha Shivaya Says Guru Ka Das Wala

"Welcome to Lotus Divine, your gateway to spiritual growth and inner peace! Join us on a journey of self-discovery as we explore meditation techniques, spiritual insights, and mindful living practices designed to uplift and inspire.

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Inspirational Talks: Gain wisdom from spiritual teachings and practical advice to enhance your daily life.
Holistic Practices: Discover techniques for mindfulness, energy healing, and personal transformation.
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Thank you for being a part of our community. Together, let’s explore, grow, and find inner peace. Welcome to Lotus Divine!"

Lotus Divine
16 Views · 5 months ago

⁣“People often speak what they want you to hear as there is an alternative motive that benefits them only, always think twice and act once based on what you feel guided from the heart, mind and soul. Aum Namaha Shivaya. Says Guru Ka Das Walia

"Welcome to Lotus Divine, your gateway to spiritual growth and inner peace! Join us on a journey of self-discovery as we explore meditation techniques, spiritual insights, and mindful living practices designed to uplift and inspire.

✨ What We Offer:
Inspirational Talks: Gain wisdom from spiritual teachings and practical advice to enhance your daily life.
Holistic Practices: Discover techniques for mindfulness, energy healing, and personal transformation.
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Thank you for being a part of our community. Together, let’s explore, grow, and find inner peace. Welcome to Lotus Divine!"

Mont Digital
16 Views · 3 years ago

⁣Cyber attackers are becoming more sophisticated and have the ability to wreak havoc on our nation's critical infrastructure. This includes power plants, natural gas pipelines, and electrical transmission lines.

Attackers are looking to exploit vulnerabilities and gain access to systems through a variety of methods. These include malicious software (malware), phishing, and distributed denial of service attacks.



Mont Digital
16 Views · 3 years ago

⁣The main aim of responsive web design development is to have a visual strategy to scale the screen size to offer easy navigation on multiple screen resolutions.

Mont Digital
16 Views · 3 years ago

⁣Industrial automation seems unusual but new growth in the projects in the area of artificial intelligence,

Mont Digital
16 Views · 3 years ago

Are you know how to search for a word on a web page? Mont Digital defines the simplest way to find a specific word or phrase on the web page on your computer.

Mont Digital
16 Views · 3 years ago

⁣Web to lead Salesforce | What is a web lead | Mont Digital

Web to lead Salesforce application provides ways to create such forms that can capture information about the visitors, and it is automatically stored as records.

Lotus Divine
16 Views · 3 years ago

Reiki healing can change the direction of your life forever. It has the potential of altering the course of your life journey if you regularly attend a reiki session. Some people take to reiki as last resort in case of diseases whereas others already know about it., its healing power.

Flow of energy
If someone does anything with a precondition, then he or she is too much absorbed in the thought of the goal. This interferes with the free flow of energy. As a result, the outcome is not as desired. The body gets tense and this obstructs the free flow of the divine energy throughout the body.

If you want to receive reiki in its full strength, then the best way is to surrender to the might of the art and let it do its work. It works the best independently and removes all the negative spots in the body. It clears all the obstructions that are present in the body and fills them with positive energy. In fact, it is best equipped to heal as it knows what is best for the care receiver and works towards that goal or direction. By accepting and agreeing to reiki do its work, you will experience miraculous changes. You can follow up by doing reiki at bedtime and it will work while you are asleep. As it will work on its own when you are sleeping, you will not be able to offer any subconscious resistance with its working. It can be done by just laying on your back and invite reiki to work for you.

Lotus Divine
16 Views · 3 years ago

⁣The energy or power is independent and self-sufficient. It can function independently without human intervention. The universal presence can channel the energy to a person's body. It will then flow to the affected area of the body, without the need for any human intervention. It is important to be healthy, such as exercising, eating right, sleeping properly, and getting enough sleep. To be able maintain your energy in a healthy way. This energy, or Reiki energy, will eliminate all sufferings and pain. This energy is the most powerful and powerful energy that can be generated by proper diet and exercise. It is also a powerful healing energy that determines a person's fate and destiny. This energy will fill you up and guide you throughout your life.

Lotus Divine
16 Views · 3 years ago

⁣What is Healing?

The term healing can be used to describe a therapeutic process that results in a state of health and wellness. It is a process where positive energy is passed from the healer onto the recipient. Reiki attunement is a popular type of healing.

Healing Energy

The healing energy is necessary for most chronic physical, mental, and psychological pains. Treatments will work best if they are spiritually guided. All living creatures and humans are part of the divine energy.

How does reiki attunement help in healing?

It can greatly improve an individual's health. Such methods are able to overcome the inertia created by patients. This treatment is great for people who suffer from backaches, depression, long-term mental disorders, and/or bipolar disorder.

How does reiki attunement work

It is based on the idea that universal energy can flow into the body of a patient by directing it with intent. The energy focused on the recipient can enter their aura and raise their spiritual vibrations. A healer can attune the energies to allow for a flow of healing energy. This will remove any blockages and pains from the body.

How do you find healing?

When you feel weak, others around you will also feel the same. If this happens, stay calm, relaxed, and stress-free. This could be a sign that your personality is lacking the vitality and inner spirit-the soul. Reiki and massage are good options to clean the aura or restore the chakras.

These people could be asked to assist others in need. Mantra chanting helps to channel positive energy.

Lotus Divine
16 Views · 3 years ago

⁣Reiki master status is one of continuous development and growth. We have infinite energy. The master symbol can be used to connect with the infinite source energy of the life force.

We have the ability to tap into the abundance of divine energy, and we can use it for humanity's welfare, the benefit of other life forms, and anything else, such as an event, situation, or object. Reiki can heal all types of illness and bring you endless joy, and happiness. It also brings compassion, love, gratitude, kindness, love, and wisdom. Reiki can be used by those who are disciplined and practice it well. Reiki has given all this to those seeking Reiki's enlightenment.

The best way to experience the Reiki symbols is through meditation. It is possible to visualize Reiki symbols on the body or use meditation to help you achieve higher levels. They can feel the incredible possibilities and potentialities of Reiki and its power. All appears to come from within. Once one connects to the infinite divine life source energy within, everything seems to happen.

Meditation and other Reiki practices make us confident and optimistic about all things and help us to create them. We can face any challenge with confidence and power. It is a remarkable, spectacular, and wonderful experience. We are part of the positive energies that surround us. We are enveloped in wonder, grace & sheer beauty by Nature's endless energies. This transcends our normal existence level and is there for all time.

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