How To Pronounce Reiki
The word reiki is pronounced as ray-key.
Ray is higher power and key is the spiritual power. So it is the combination of our spiritual power with the higher power. The term reiki attunement is used for the merger of the two forces where the universal or the cosmic force is called qi.
Reiki Therapy
A Reiki therapy session can last for 60 to 90 minutes, where the provider starts the treatment from the head or feet. They try to examine the weakness in the life force energy of the recipient to identify the required cure. The mechanism used in about creating harmony with the surroundings.
The symbol of Cho Ku Rei is used during reiki attunement. It represents power. Cho Ku Rei is used for accelerating the process of healing and protection. It is used as a treatment at the start of the procedure.
Sei He Ki is the symbol used for emotional healing and balancing. It is also helpful in the condition of physical and mental weaknesses.
Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen is the symbol used for distance healing. Dai Ko Myo is used for promotion intelligence and wisdom.
How does reiki attunement feel like?
Reiki attunement is like a thermostat that can regulate the body, and turn on or off the temperature where the energy flows.
Sometimes, one can feel the energy swinging back and forth where one gets pins and needles tingling, goosebumps and hot flashes. Continuous practice can help in shifting the energy where the movement of force can be felt. At level 1 of reiki therapy, people may immediately feel the hands hot, it means, reiki has been awakened and is functioning. During the treatment, One’s perception of temperature varies.