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What is Reiki massage

23 Views· 08/04/22
Lotus Divine
Lotus Divine
1 Subscribers

⁣What is reiki massage?

Reiki therapy is a type of complementary treatment that uses gentle touch to promote healing. This method is not intended to be a pressure-based massage. Reiki therapy may not require the practitioner to touch the area of the body, but only to hold the hands and provide pain relief.

It is based upon the cosmic energy theory.

Reiki chakras

This treatment uses the concept of Reiki chakras, which are energy wheels that move at specific points on the spine. These energy points must be empowered in order to allow the energy to flow freely between reiki chakras. It relies on the connection between the spiritual body and mind.

Unblocked 1st chakra causes people to feel insecure everywhere. This first is connected to immunity, legs, and feet, as well as the tailbone. An imbalanced base reiki chakra can lead to eating disorders and knee pain. An imbalance in the 2nd and 3rd wheels can lead to excessive passion and outgoingness.

They might have lower back pain, problems with their bladders, and issues with their reproductive organs. They may have insecurity or commitment phobias. This can lead to a lack of self-respect and assertiveness. It causes digestive disorders. It can make one feel powerless and cause them to feel embarrassed.

Acceptance of joy is restricted by being blocked at 4th energy points. These people cannot forgive others. They are prone to jealousy, anger, pain in the shoulder, and loneliness.

Blocked 5th reduces communication abilities-the ability to express oneself verbally. Blocked 6 can cause headaches and eye problems.

What is reiki therapy?

People with balanced energies are not easily distracted by difficulties. They are calm and peaceful, and they find the solution to their problem without becoming anxious or weak. The seventh chakra is the goal of pranayama and reiki therapy, acupuncture, and kundalini.

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